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主演:吕律 庾凯 吴梦 于玲娜 吴加闵等 

源自不安,而窥探不安。生活其中的人试图叫喊出来,而那些恐慌明摆了让你没法开口。它让人感觉自己像路边的小石子,除了被踏过,被踢开,无能为力。但你说石头里有没有希望?此60分钟的现场表演,曾以不同版本2012年在孟买现代美术馆小剧场、新德里国家戏剧学院和2013年在上海下河迷仓、外滩美术馆演出。由此延展而出的,带动普通人参与的“不安的石头”系列工作坊和演出呈现,已在罗马的Forte Prenestino和新加坡拉塞尔学院和柏林艺术大学举办。


赵川 作家、艺术评论家及剧场导演,生活在上海。他是从2005开始的中国重要民间剧社“草台班”的主创者之一及主持者,创作边缘但社会性极强的当代剧场,力致于推动新的社会剧场和非牟利公共空间。赵川获得的文学奖项包括台湾的联合文学小说新人奖(2001)。他对于上海当代艺术发生、发展的写作在中国及海外发表。他受邀参加过许多国际文学、艺术和戏剧节及相关活动。参与编剧或导演的作品已在中国大陆十多个城市、港台及澳门地区、日本、韩国、印度、新加坡、意大利和德国等地演出。www.grassstage.com 



时间:2013年12月20日 (周五) 和21日(周六) 晚8pm 




预约: 发送您姓名和联系方式至amspacesh@vip.126.com预约,收到回复为预约成功



Unsettling Stones 

Director: Zhao Chuan 

Performer: Lu Lu, Wu Meng, Wu Jia Min, Yu Kai, Yu Ling Na 

Category: Performances 

Language: Chinese

This play is a product of an unsettled time and of unsettled souls, and is also a contemplation of that unsettledness. Itlooksat what it means to live in a society under the rule of law, where the notions of safety/ danger/ security/ freedom are all meshed together. Where media wears masks to entertain their audience and the monopoly of power gets passed on to successive generations of the privileged elite. Unease has led to further unease and we all live in varying levels of panic and fear. In these times of powerless and impotence, can one turn to stonesfor hope?

Aboout playwright/director 

Zhao Chuan is a writer, art critic and theatre director who creates alternative, social theatre in Shanghai. He is the founding member and mastermind of the very important Chinese theatre collective Grass Stage since 2005. His work devoted to the promotion of new social theatre movement and the creation of non-profit public space. Zhao Chuan’s literary awards include, most notably, the Unita Prize for New Novelists (2001). His writings on contemporary Shanghai art have been selected for publication in various media in China and abroad. He has also been an invited participant in numerous international Literary, Art, and Theatre festivals. www.grassstage.com

About am art space

Am art space is established in 2008. Except being the multifunctional platform for visual art, performance art and workshop, we are committed to the organization of specialized seminars and academic interactive activities. We organize two international residence programs, and one exhibition project for supporting young local curators every year. The six years history and unceasing energy on art organization makes Am art space one of the very unique independent art space and get more and more attention and support.

Time: 12.20(Fri.)/21(Sat.) 8pm

Venue: 50B Fengxian Road close Shimen Er Road

You can take Metro Line 2 to West Nanjing Road and out from Exit 2, Parking is in Shimen Er road close West Beijing Road

Ticket: Free admission, reservation is required.

You can email your name and telephone number to amspacesh@vip.126.com, when you get reply it mean booking successful.

Please attend on time, not outdated admission

Thank you for your cooperation
